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Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience Laboratory (CSNL)
Updated Research Field!
Neural Manifold
demixed PCA
Sensory vs Mnemonic

Visual & Perceptual
Uncovering expectation hidden in a cortical network of dynamic Bayesian inference
Relationships between choice granularity and confidence
Normalization process between relative magnitude and absolute magnitude
Fundamental underpinnings of uncertainty in the relative magnitude
Functional MRI Research
on Visual & Perceptual Cortices
A novel kind of suppression in human visual cortex: orientation-specific surround suppression in polar space
Modulation of inhibitory circuit in visual cortex using tDCS
High-resolution 7T fMRI neuroimaging of visual cortex
Working Memory
Costs of representation update on working memory capacity
Computational and behavioral underpinnings of the sequential working memory
Distinguishing between the manifolds of mnemonic and sensory signals using dPCA
Other Research Topics
Cognitive Function Testing for the Safety of Airline Pilots
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